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Maria R. Burgio, Ph.D.


Utilizing my expertise as clinical psychologist with specialty  human development, Board-certified forensic examiner, and neuropsychologist.

Summary of qualifications

Over ten years’ experience in animal and human research, statistical analysis of data and writing technical reports and grants. Over ten years of undergraduate teaching. Over twenty years’ experience in clinical neuropsychology, children & families’ mental health, & legal-medical cases.


Ph.D., New York University, Applied Developmental Studies, 1987, New York, New York. (Chair of Doctoral Committee: Cynthia Deutsch, Ph.D.)

M.A.., Brooklyn College Of CUNY, Experimental Psychology, 1976

FPPR, Fellow Prescribing Psychologists’ Register,  1995-1997 Courses in Psychopharmacology: Functional neurophysiology & neuroanatomy, pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics of psychotropic medications, differential diagnosis of mental disorders & efficacious pharmacological interventions.

Awards Received

USA Book News, 2007 National “Best Books” Award Finalist for Children’s Picture Book: Hardcover Non-Fiction category (All children have different eyes by E. Glaser & M. Burgio)

Faculty Research Grants, Utica College of Syracuse Uni. 1986- 1988


New York University, Department Fellow, 1983


New York University, University Fellow, 1979-80


New York University, Expository Writing Program Assistantship 1981-82


Brooklyn College, Graduate Fellowship, 2/74-8/75

Professional Experience

2016-2017, Dutchess County Criminal Court; Dutchess County Civil Court; Conduct forensic evaluations for juvenile criminal matter; forensic evaluation for divorce matter.


2015-present, Columbia County, Child Protective; conduct forensic evaluations in custody/visitation cases; parental capacity & rights.

2012-present, New York State Supreme Court, 18B Expert Roster; provide forensic neuropsychology services; criminal & family courts.


2009- PRESENT, Director, Brooklyn Psychological Services. Consulting; psychopharmacology, psychological and neuropsychological evaluations of children and adults; medical-legal evaluations; child, couple and family psychotherapy.  Neuropsychological assessments of LD children aged 2 to 18. Forensic Evaluations for custody/visitation, competency, parenting competency, & personal injury/brain injury cases.

10/2010- 8/2014, Allied Medical Staff, Department of Psychiatry, Long Island College Hospital-Downstate Medical


1/2011- 12/2011, Medical Consultant, Social Security Admin, NY, NY.


11/2002-4/2009 Psychologist, Vanguard Psychiatric Group, 6200 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 804, Los Angeles, CA. Workers Compensation clinics:  psychological testing, medical review of records, writing/editing IMEs, psychopharmacological consultations, psychotherapy.


1/03- 10/05, Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA.  Psychological and neuropsychological evaluations; forensic evaluations; continuing education training for professionals; specialization in children and families.


3/03-9/03, Clinical Supervisor, DiDi Hirsch CMHC, Psychological Testing Unit, Outpatient Child Clinic. Develop and supervise child testing program, supervise interns and registered psychologists


4/91 –6/02, Founder and Director, Psychological Services Center, New Hartford, New York.  Psychological and neuropsychological evaluations; forensic evaluations; training and supervision of interns and associates; specialization in children and families.


8/93 – 6/02, Oneida Department of Social Services, Utica, New York. Perform psychological and forensic evaluations of children and parents for determining parental competency to be used in legal proceedings and service plans. Sexual Abuse validations. Provide treatment services.


Professional Presentations and Publications
Professional Experience

Burgio, M & E. Glaser (2008). How to help children with low vision develop core social competencies and friendships. Presented at the 49th Annual CTEVH Conference, Los Angeles, CA: March 1.

Burgio, M.R. & Maness, D. (2003). Keynote Presentation: The potential role for NeuroSynergistic Sound Therapy in the Treatment of Substance Abuse and Other Psychiatric Disorders: A Preliminary Report. Presented at the International Conference on Hypnosis, Las Vegas, NV, Nov 3-6.

Burgio, M. (1989). A developmental perspective on social network utilization: Parallels between adolescent and later life friendships. Presented at the XIV International Congress for Gerontology, Mexico, June 19-23

Burgio, M. (1987). The role of social cognition in support friendships for the aging. Paper presented at Iowa Conf.¬on Personal Relationships, Uni. of Iowa, Iowa City: June 2.


Burgio, M., Little Murderers: Character Studies of Ten Children That Kill. (Manuscript in preparation)


Burgio, M. (2014).  Wise Parent, Healthy Child: A practice guide to the gentle art of childrearing.   Raleigh, NC: LuLu Publishing.

Glaser, E. A. & Burgio, M.R. (2007). All Children have Different Eyes: Learn to play and make friends. (Ages 4-8). Whittier, CA: Vidi Press.

Joseph, J. & Burgio, M.R. (1991).  The effects of desensitization program on parent’s perceptions of their children’s problem behaviors. (Unpub. paper)

Burgio, M.R. & Joseph, J. (1991). Adolescent attachment styles, peer support relationships and psychological wellbeing.  (Unpublished paper)

Burgio, M.R. & Cohen, C.I. (1991). Improving relationships for the Aging, (Unpublished Text)

Burgio, M.R, Zoeckler, D. & Schwalback, LL. (1991).  A developmental perspective on social network utilization: Parallel between adolescent and later life friendships.  (Undergraduate research paper)

Burgio, M. (1987). Friendship patterns and friendship expectancies among the successful aging (Doctoral dissertation, New York University).  University Microfilms, No. 8720109.

Professional Publications
Professional Affiliations

Member, American Psychological Association


Member, American Board of Forensic Examiners


New York State License In Psychology 4/91, (PSY # 010697)


Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Examiners


Diplomate, Prescribing Psychologists’ Register


APA- Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Specialist (2014 pending)

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